You Are Slowing Down the Sales Process!
“I hate it when I get to the point where I am closing a deal, where I thought everything was going great and out of nowhere the prospect throws out an objection. I am thinking, “Why now?” “Why are you objecting, when all along you were saying yes?”
I hear stories like this all the time. Objections can slow down the sales cycle and no salesperson likes that. In fact, it throws some salespeople for such a loop, they can’t recover and get the deal closed. Being prepared to handle objections is critical.
It Is About the Customer
The customer dictates the sales cycle and no matter how fast you want it to go, it is going to go at the speed the prospect is willing to go. Of course, there are things you can do to keep it moving like asking the right questions, providing the right information, at the right time and handling objections quickly and appropriately, as they arise.
“Objections Are a Natural Part of the Sales Process”
What Are Objections?
Objections are a signal that the customer is interested but not ready to buy. Objections usually arise because either you or the prospect do not have a full understanding of something important. People want to feel good about their purchases, whether business or personal. They want to be sure they made the right decision. So sometimes an objection is really the prospect saying, “Tell me why your product is so great, so I can feel good about my purchase.”
Most objections are legitimate and should be treated that way. Many salespeople talk about having to overcome objections. I always use the term “handle” instead. If I have an objection, I don’t want to be “overcome.” I want to know how you will handle that objection and make sure the purchase is a good solution for me. As a prospect, the way you handle objections will tell me a lot about how you will respond in the future if I become a customer.
Objection or Blow Off
Sometimes an objection is a way to try and get rid of the salesperson. Depending on where the objection comes in the sales process it may just be a way for the person to say, “I’m not interested.” It would be nice if the prospect would just state their true objections instead of masking them, but that doesn’t always happen. Since we don’t want to waste our time or anyone else’s, it is important to have a process for understanding objections and trying to handle them before we move on to close the deal or walk away.
What is your process for handling objections? Please let me know in the comment section below.
Alice is nationally known for her expertise in elevating sales to increase valuation for companies with a B2B complex sale that have exceptional growth potential. She’s originally, from the widely known Miller Heiman Group. Spending her time strategizing with CEOs and their leadership teams to build the strategies that find new business and grow existing accounts is her passion. Her clients love her spirit and the way she energizes their sales organization.