Great start to Sales 2.0 in Boston. Thought I would share some of the most Re-Tweetable Tweets from Sales 2.0 conference.
Be sure to watch the Twitter stream for more great sales advice using the #s20c hashtag!
Key Note Speaker: Gerhard Gschwandtner, Selling Power
Twitter= @Gerhard20
Re-Tweetable Tweets:
CSO Insights says only 45.7% of salespeople achieve their forecast; odds at craps table are 49.3%! @Gerhard20 #s20c
— Lisa Gschwandtner (@LGCalix) July 14, 2014
87% of sales training vanishes after 90 days #s20c @Gerhard20
— Selling Power (@SellingPowerMag) July 14, 2014
Speaker: Bob Carr, Hearland Payment Systems
Twitter= @Heartlandhpy
Re-Tweetable Tweets:
. @heartlandhpy salespeople bill of rights includes transparency, ownership, support, recognition, stability #s20c
— Emma Brudner (@emmajs24) July 14, 2014
Bob Carr, CEO of @HeartlandHPY shares the reasons behind the turnaround success of his salesforce #s20c
— James K. Kim (@James_Jim_Kim) July 14, 2014
Speaker: Chuck Penfield, Oracle
Twitter= @Oracle
Re-Tweetable Tweets:
"Feature/function/benefit" doesn't fly today. What matters is how sales can impact biz strategy for prospects @cpenfiel #s20c
— Sales 3.0 Conference (@Sales30Conf) July 14, 2014
"At least 50% of [prospect] research is done before they reach the sales person" @Oracle RVP of Sales, Chuck Penfield @Sales20Conf #s20c
— Michael Banchick (@mbanchick) July 14, 2014
Jennifer Stanley, McKinsey & Company
Twitter= @JenStanley3
Re-Tweetable Tweets:
4 Mega Trends: Technology, Demographics, Econnomics, User-Centricity @JenStanley3 #s20c @Sales20Conf
— Sales Strategies for CEOs with Alice Heiman (@aliceheiman) July 14, 2014
Customers want to be served in B2B in simple, easy, self-serve ways. Update your sales process accordingly @JenStanley3 @McKinsey #s20c
— Selling Power (@SellingPowerMag) July 14, 2014
Speaker: Dr. Tom Sant, Hyde Park Partners
Re-Tweetable Tweets:
Dr. Tom Sant, "Are your salespeople feeling desperate?" #s20c @SellingPowerMag @Sales20Conf
— Sales Strategies for CEOs with Alice Heiman (@aliceheiman) July 14, 2014
Speaker: Mark Roberge, Hubspot
Twitter= @mroberge, @hubspot
Re-Tweetable Tweets:
You need cold calling as a backdoor lever. @HubSpot gets 10-20% of rev via #coldcalling. But it's a "gruesome process" @mroberge #s20c
— Lisa Gschwandtner (@LGCalix) July 14, 2014
If you wouldn't buy from a telemarketer, why are you investing in telemarketing for you company? @markroberge #s20c
— Kevin Starner (@kevinstarner) July 14, 2014
Journalists hold the keys to the future of demand generation says @mroberge #s20c (because they write content that engages)
— Sales 3.0 Conference (@Sales30Conf) July 14, 2014
When are you sending your emails? @markroberge @HubSpot #s20c @Sales20Conf
— Sales Strategies for CEOs with Alice Heiman (@aliceheiman) July 14, 2014
Speaker: David Shore, Faculty, Harvard University
Re-Tweetable Tweets:
Why do change initiatives fail? Because we ignore the change part of the equation and jump to the initiative part #s20c
— Sales 3.0 Conference (@Sales30Conf) July 14, 2014
"The best motivators are not about money, they're about purpose and mastery." #sales #s20c #CoffeeIsForClosers
— James K. Kim (@James_Jim_Kim) July 14, 2014
Awesome Bonus Tweet:
MUDA! #s20c
— James K. Kim (@James_Jim_Kim) July 14, 2014
Alice is nationally known for her expertise in elevating sales to increase valuation for companies with a B2B complex sale that have exceptional growth potential. She’s originally, from the widely known Miller Heiman Group. Spending her time strategizing with CEOs and their leadership teams to build the strategies that find new business and grow existing accounts is her passion. Her clients love her spirit and the way she energizes their sales organization.