My #1 Marketing Tip

Dec 3, 2013 | Lead Gen, LinkedIn, Prospecting, Social Media

I’m Not a Marketing Expert

I am not a marketing expert and I don’t ever promote myself that way but I do a lot of marketing for my own business and help my clients with lead generation. I’ve tried a lot of things. Some work, some don’t. My #1 tip applies whether you are doing traditional marketing or online marketing.

#1 Marketing Tip: Stay in touch in a way that adds value!

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Mass messaging of any kind has limited results but to some extent we do need to engage in that type of marketing. What works for me is sending individual messages to customers and prospects.

I stay on top of industry trends and read a lot and write, so I always have valuable content to pass along. I connect with about 10 people directly on a daily basis (besides my scheduled appointments and replies to emails). I connect through social media or by sending a handwritten note. I love using tools like Nimble that show me who has a birthday or changed jobs or interacted with my social media because it makes it easy to connect to them. Each day I do the following things:

  1. Look through the paper to see if any clients or prospects have been mentioned. I clip the articles and mail them in a card or find the link to the article online and tweet it or post it to give them some attention. I also email them the link to the article through social media or email and congratulate them.
  2. Send birthday wishes.  I use LinkedIn and Facebook to send birthday messages. I don’t use the generic message, I write a personal note. Nimble consolidates these in one place.
  3. Click like, comment and share or retweet.  I look at my social media and quickly see what people are up to. If I only have a small amount of time I click like. If I have more time I will comment, share their post if I believe my followers will appreciate it or make a comment on something they’ve shared.
  4. Send a thank you note. I randomly send thank you notes to clients and vendors throughout the year.
  5. Send an article. If I read or write something that I know will be helpful to a specific client or prospect. I will email the article or send them a link to it. They love it.


How much time does it take and why do I do it?  It takes about 30-minutes to 1 hour a day and I do it because it always brings me business.  I get replies like, “Thank you for that great article, I have been meaning to call you.”

If you want more replies to your emails schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session, where I’ll give you great ideas you can use today! Call me at 775-852-5020.


Alice Heiman

Alice is nationally known for her expertise in elevating sales to increase valuation for companies with a B2B complex sale that have exceptional growth potential. She’s originally, from the widely known Miller Heiman Group. Spending her time strategizing with CEOs and their leadership teams to build the strategies that find new business and grow existing accounts is her passion.  Her clients love her spirit and the way she energizes their sales organization.


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