Every sales leader is on a mission to hit or exceed their goals. So, why do so many fail? They’re missing a proven process they can deploy themselves but more importantly teach their teams to deploy.
I have worked with hundreds of sales organizations over the years. They have allowed me to see what separates the sales winners from those who don’t make their goal. Below, discover how YOU will hit your sales goals.
Here are 8 crucial and possibly surprising, steps to lead you to success.
How to Hit Your Sales Goals
1. Write Down Your Motivators
What makes you want to hit your goals? Is it a new car? Your family? The money? The pride? Bragging rights? Understanding YOUR motivation keeps you on track. Imagine how it feels to settle into your new car, close the door and hear the satisfying click of the locks, the soft purr of the engine, the satisfaction of passing others on the freeway. Now that’s the image you want to resurrect before every sales call. Use that motivation to act and get the results you need. Many people use vision boards to help them visualize these things. A recent article in Inc. says 1 in 5 successful entrepreneurs use vision boards and it is backed by neuroscience.
2. Write Your Goals Down
According to the Huffington Post, people who write their goals down on a regular basis achieved those goals at a significantly higher level than those who do not. Post these goals on your laptop, refrigerator, or any place where you will see them constantly.
3. Prioritize Your Goals
You must prioritize your goals. You will have more than one goal. You might even have five or six goals but, you can’t complete those all at once. So, you need to prioritize. Prioritizing is just as critical as writing them down. Choose the ones you will work on first and then schedule the time to work on them.
4. Make a Plan
You’ve prioritized your goals and now it’s time to make a plan for each of those goals. The plan is the key. Develop a plan that outlines each step to reach your goal and the date by which you will take that step. It makes it easy to execute your goals when you have a clear plan and directs your activity for the time you have scheduled to work on that goal.
5. Execute
Setting goals, prioritizing and making a plan is one thing. But, without execution, your outcome will be minimal. Writing your goals down, prioritizing and making your plan is the way to start. Then it is time to take action. This is often the hardest part. It’s important to share your goals with those who care. Let them know the importance and that you appreciate their encouragement and support.
6. Get Help
When you’re working toward achieving your goals, it’s important to remember you are surrounded by people who want to help you succeed. Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it. Don’t think you have to go it alone or that no one else cares. Many think asking for help is a sign of weakness, it’s the opposite. Asking for help shows your strength.
7. Review
Once you have executed your plan, go back and review it. Where are you now? Are you moving at the pace you expected? Are things going as planned? What’s working? Determine if you need to make adjustments. Setting goals and making a plan is not enough. You have to review your progress and make changes.
8. Celebrate!
When you hit your goal, CELEBRATE! Don’t minimize your success. We tend to complete something and blow right by it. Finished that, on to the next. STOP! You worked hard to achieve your goals, celebrate. Not only is it fun, but it also trains your brain to appreciate success and makes it easier to achieve your next goal.
Do you have a process to achieve your goals? I’d love to hear about it! Leave a comment below.
Alice is nationally known for her expertise in elevating sales to increase valuation for companies with a B2B complex sale that have exceptional growth potential. She’s originally, from the widely known Miller Heiman Group. Spending her time strategizing with CEOs and their leadership teams to build the strategies that find new business and grow existing accounts is her passion. Her clients love her spirit and the way she energizes their sales organization.