How To Find High-Quality Sales Leads On LinkedIn

Sep 28, 2016 | LinkedIn, Prospecting, Sales, Social Media

Advice From Friends

You may have noticed that I added some new features to my blog. I am having more guest posts and more roundups where I ask my sales expert friends to help me bring you the best advice. I recently asked my friend Viveka Von Rosen for some advice on how to use LinkedIn to exceed your goals. So many are arguing about whether cold calling is dead or not – who cares! Let’s go out and get as many quality leads as we can and let’s do it the easiest way. I hate it when people think sales is hard because they are not having success with the method they are using. Viveka shares some great advice on how to use LinkedIn to properly get great results.


To exceed your sales goals, you need to convert the necessary number of potential leads into sales. And to increase your conversion rate, you need to connect with and sell to qualified prospects.

If you need 10 sales, and your conversion rate is 10 percent, you have two options. Either you need to get in front of 100 people or increase your conversion rate. That’s just math. You could try to get more conversations by making more cold calls. But, let’s be honest, cold calls are the worst (I know, some of you love them but you are the 1%).

A better (and more enjoyable) tactic, is to increase your conversations and conversions at the same time using LinkedIn. If you know you need to speak with 100 people to reach your sales goal, begin by connecting to the right, high-quality leads on LinkedIn.

viv Here’s a six-step strategy for success:

  1. Find the right prospects through the Advanced Search
  2. Record new opportunities using Nimble or Dux-Soup
  3. Invite leads to connect
  4. Organize your new connections with tagging
  5. Create a Top of Mind campaign with updates, views, and messages
  6. Go for the call or meeting

Increase Your KTL Factor

[bctt tweet=”To reach your goals, you need to increase your KLT factor: know, like, and trust.” @LinkedInExpert” via=”no”]

You can build your KLT factor by strategically searching for, connecting, and engaging with your prospects on LinkedIn. Be sure to take action to stay on their radar by being a resource — not “a sales guy.” As Bob Burg says, all things being equal, people do business with people they know, like, and trust.

Warm-up Connections

Consistent and considerate engagement will warm up a connection – making it much easier for you to land a meeting with them. In fact, your prospects might reach out to you, and your call might simply entail closing the deal.

Great advice, Viveka! Thank you for sharing that.

Frightened that you won’t hit your 4th quarter goals, here are 5 more ideas, and give me a call, so I can give you a few more.

Viveka von Rosen

Viveka von Rosen


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