How I Keep My Sanity

Apr 17, 2012 | Business Owners, Uncategorized

Wow, what a week. Monday, we filmed an episode of Plush Life and then I spent the rest of the day with clients.  Most of Tuesday was preparing for Wednesday’s presentation for WOW – no not World of Warcraft, but Weddings of the West. I was a keynote speaker, followed by a break out session, and then the afternoon with clients. Thursday training CCIM and NAIOP members to use LinkedIn to generate leads, followed by meetings with clients. Friday, I was a keynote for the PRSSA Region 1 conference-followed by a break out session. In between I volunteered at The Discovery for an hour, and then after the afternoon break out, one more client meeting followed by a dinner at my home with friends.  Not to mention the phone calls and email handled in between and the sad news from two friends. Did you follow all of that? I should be exhausted right now, and I am, but I am exhilarated at the same time.

As business people we all have too much to do. There is a never ending flood of information and requests coming at us. It can be overwhelming at times. How do I do it you ask? Some weeks better than others. This week I had a melt down but it only lasted about an hour. I got over it and got going. Here are some of the things I do to keep my sanity and I hope by mentioning them it will help you keep your sanity too.

1. Exercise – Can’t say it enough times, indoors or out, get some exercise, get your heart rate up and get your mind off your business.

2. Call a friend – and just scream if you have to.  Ask them to just listen and say they understand.

3. Count your blessings – As bad as it gets, I look around and see someone who has it worse.  My life is wonderful and I need to stay focused on all the good things and my opportunities and keep the tough things in check.

4. Stay focused on the high pay-off activities – As my business coach always reminds me, I need to prioritize my activities so that I do the high payoff activities first.

5. Its not forever, it’s just for now – This helps when I have to temporarily stop doing something I want to do, but just can’t fit in and when I have to do things I don’t enjoy.

6. Plan – I take time each day, each week and each month to plan and schedule.  Each year I do a full blown strategic plan and review it periodically.  I’d be off my rocker by now if I didn’t.

7. Stay focused on sales – You can’t run a business if you don’t have sales.  Cash flow is critical for any business.  Make sure the sales keep coming in. During that planning time I always make sure I have time for lead generation, follow up, sales meetings and closing deals.

I hope this helps you and if you would like to share some of the ways you stay sane in this crazy, busy and not always easy world, please comment below.

P.S.  This blog post is different than most of my previous posts. I am trying a new idea. Yes, amidst everything else I am working on my marketing. I have decided to try making my blog more personal. I will write about revelations I am having with my business. I am also re-starting my e-newsletter, I will post the how-to stuff there. Keep your eye on me if you want to know how things shape up.

Alice Heiman

Alice Heiman

Alice is nationally known for her expertise in elevating sales to increase valuation for companies with a B2B complex sale that have exceptional growth potential. She’s originally, from the widely known Miller Heiman Group. Spending her time strategizing with CEOs and their leadership teams to build the strategies that find new business and grow existing accounts is her passion.  Her clients love her spirit and the way she energizes their sales organization.


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