A Gift to You: Our Best Blogs and Podcasts of 2018

Dec 13, 2018 | Business Owners, Closing, Sales Leadership

We know how busy you are, and as much as you would like to read or remember to listen to that podcast… There’s probably just not enough time. So, we have gone through and found our top 5 blog posts that were published in 2018 and a few of my favorite podcasts I was on this year. We hope you enjoy.

Our Best Blogs of 2018

5 Thoughtful Ways to Show Your Customers Love

When do you take the time to show your customers appreciation? Do you show them love during the holiday season? During the holidays, your cards or gifts can get lost in the holiday madness. That’s why I believe it’s important to show your customers how much you appreciate them all year-long. 

Showing your customers appreciation is part of any great sales organization’s routine. Thanking them in different ways throughout the year not only shows them you care but it gives you more opportunities to stay in front of them and perhaps even ask for a referral.  

Customers for Life: The Art of Keeping Your Best Clients

We all know customer retention is important, but you and I both know that most companies are not doing a great job of it. Losing customers out the back door faster than you can bring new ones in the front, doesn’t do anyone any good. 

We need to retain our customers and to do that today, it’s more than just satisfaction. We need to do the work to earn their loyalty. 

How to Close More Deals with Social Media

It’s funny to me that people forget that sales is a social process. Selling is mostly an interaction between people. Granted you can buy some products or services from a website and never need to talk to anyone. But, most B2B sales require humans to talk to other humans while understanding the buying process and determining problems that need to be solved. Every good seller has a sales process that follows the way people want to buy. Today, for most sellers, that process should include using social media.

Why These Complexities are Stalling Your Deals

Is your sale complex? Are there multiple buying influences and long sales cycles? Does it seem like these deals are getting more complex and harder to close? 

Not every B2B sale is a complex sale. Some sales are merely a transaction. One phone call to ask a few questions and then buy the product. Some initial sales for lower dollars, don’t require much more than a salesperson from your company talking to the person who has the budget. But for some of you, the larger deals, with companies much bigger than yours are complicated and painstaking. It’s hard to predict the dollars that will be spent and even harder to predict when they will close. 

Poorly Position: Ask Your Sales Reps These Questions to Close More Deals

Your salespeople are poorly positioned and that is stretching out your sales cycle and preventing deals from closing. I know, I’ve been coaching their deals. Their deals are stuck. Your salespeople are starting off too low in the organization and not finding enough of the buyers which is leaving them poorly positioned.   

It doesn’t have to be this way. You could be helping your salespeople get positioned and close these complex deals.


Rooted in Revenue: Sales Engagement = Buyer Enablement

What have you learned about Buyer Enablement, beyond the evolution of Sales Enablement? 

Salespeople need to see how the buyers are responding to what they are doing. 

What do buyers really want from salespeople? Well, we’re not doing a very good job of getting them what they truly want. 

If we’re going to enable our salespeople, we need to ENABLE them to help the buyer. If they can’t, we are failing at Sales Enablement. 

Women in Sales: The Sales Leaders Role in Conquering the Complex Sale

In this episode on the Women in Sales Podcast with Barbara Giamanco, we talk about The Sales Leader’s Role in the Complex Sale. This is an important conversation because it seems to that you want a balance. Reps have a job to do, which includes closing the business, and at certain points, in big deals, they may need to bring in bigger guns to help move the opportunity along. 

Outside Sales Talk: Tactics that Win the Complex Sale

On this episode, I share the biggest challenges salespeople face when dealing with complex B2B sales and how you can overcome them. Conquer the complex sale with my proven strategies and hands-on tips!

Here are some of the topics covered: 

  • The 8 elements of the complex B2B sale 
  • Tactics to conquer the complex sale – from prospecting to closing 
  • How to deal with multiple decision makers and gatekeepers 
  • Ways to shorten the sales cycle for complex sales
  • How you need to position yourself to close the deal

The AH team and I thank you so much for being an avid reader and supporter of our blogs, podcasts, webinars and so much more. Did you have a favorite piece of content from me or Liz this year? We’d love to know! Leave a comment below.   

Alice Heiman

Alice Heiman

Alice is nationally known for her expertise in elevating sales to increase valuation for companies with a B2B complex sale that have exceptional growth potential. She’s originally, from the widely known Miller Heiman Group. Spending her time strategizing with CEOs and their leadership teams to build the strategies that find new business and grow existing accounts is her passion.  Her clients love her spirit and the way she energizes their sales organization.


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